

Red wine and meat go together like peanut butter and jelly. And as the cool winter months slowly come closer, it’s time to start thinking about all those delicious slow-cooked meat roasts that will warm up the house!

Of course, pairing meat and wine is never as easy as you think it’s going to be. There are just too many options! Learn some of the best red wine and meat pairings for a guaranteed dinner-time hit.

A general note is to think about the intensity of your dish: meat and sauce included. Intense wines should go with intensely flavorful and heavy dishes. Lighter wines should go with light dishes.

But a good experiment to determine perfect matches is always in order!

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Red meat is a high source of proteins and essential minerals such as B vitamins and iron. The cooking of red meats improves the digestibility of meats, and the Maillard browning reactions produce desirable flavors and aromas in meat dishes and enhance the sensory experience of dining. However, the cooking of meats at elevated temperatures also produces a series of more than 20 genotoxic heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAAs). These compounds are commonly formed at the parts-per-billion levels in cooked meats. All HAAs tested thus far are carcinogenic in long-term feeding studies in rodents. Some have observed an association between frequent consumption of well-done cooked red meats and an elevated risk of colorectal cancer; positive associations also have been reported for the consumption of cooked red meat and cancers of the pancreas and the prostate. In this review article, we highlight the knowledge compiled on the chemistry of the formation of HAAs in cooked meats and their metabolism, biological and in bacteria and mammalian cells, experimental laboratory animals, and humans.


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